Monday, November 4, 2013

1st road trip and a sleepover

On Friday we loaded up the car, picked Hersh up from school, and headed north to Philly, where we were warmly greeted and welcomed (as always) by Aunt Addie, Uncle Craig, and Aunt Mimi.  We enjoyed a lovely Shabbat dinner together, loved being all together, and Hersh was thrilled to check out all of the vintage toys from Craig's childhood that had appeared since our last visit.

On Saturday Hersh stayed with his aunts and uncle, and Jacob, Alte, and I headed to the Homeland--New Jersey.  We met up with our very good friend Matt.  It was such a treat to get to see him, as he is a friend who is actually family.  We then continued to our hotel in Short Hills and got dressed to attend the wedding reception of our friends Dave and Laura.  Alte snoozed the entire party.  Jacob and I were totally "those people."  You know, the people who bring a newborn to a really fancy wedding.  Alte snoozed in the Ergo and we danced and enjoyed.  She woke up when the music stopped and the speeches started. We nursed and headed out before things got ugly.  Although this might be obvious, I think it's fair to say everyone loves a baby.  Everywhere we went this weekend everybody was in love with our AlteLu.  I can't blame them, she is so delish, but still it seems that the older a person is, the more they love a baby:)

On Sunday we made a quick stop at the outlet mall--we were in NJ; it's a necessary part of any visit.  Then we headed back to Philly to pick Hersh up.  It was a wonderful weekend filled with friends, family, and lots of love.  We are sooooo grateful to have family members that love us, support us, and want to spend time with our children.  Hersh and Alte LOVES their aunts and uncles.  We cant wait to return the favor :).

The Alte update--she is so smiley, happy, and easy going.  She isn't serious like Hersh was at this age, although she does like to observe people, and will sometime get scared/overwhelmed by the unfamiliar.  Our college friends Adam and Sara came over with their baby Rohin, and he and Alte found each other fascinating.  The Hersh update is that he is amazing!  Addie relayed to me that when they were baking muffins this weekend Hersh said, "Aunt Addie, next time we should bake vegan muffins so I can lick the bowl!"  Addie, Craig, and Mimi took Hersh to the aquarium, and he came back with lots of facts about sharks, puffer fish, and sea dragons.  Today he drew a really nice jellyfish, which I'll try to scan and post soon.



 Visiting with Matt:

 Sports Class:

 The babes:

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