Friday, July 29, 2022

Boston & VT

 The weeks are flying by and we are enjoying the flow of life that is a special time with Mr. Sweetie Baby.  So much less cooking, so many fewer dishes.  Sender is in camp at the Gan.  We work, pool, bay, play, and travel!  Last weekend we headed to Boston and Vermont for some quality time with the Wolf Pack, and for Meg and Dave's wedding---it was a weekend full of love--all my favorite people!  We miss the big kids, but all seems well for them based on the pictures and letters.  They will be home next Wednesday.  We will enjoy this last quiet weekend, and have two nights of Phish ahead of us!

Wednesday, July 13, 2022

Down South!

 After what seems like endless preparation our two big kids are safely tucked away at HSJ--living the hot, humid, and fun life that is summer in Mississippi.  We had a great week in Little Rock full of pool time, ice cream, and 100 degree temps.  The kids truly love being at Savta's house, and we are so grateful for out time there.