Monday, November 27, 2017

A Very Lewis Thanksgiving

We've just returned from our annual trip to Philly, where we were fortunate enough to celebrate Thanksgiving with the whole Lewis Family.  The weather was mild this year, which allowed for lazy, mellow days, and plenty of time outside.  The kids happily ate yogurt and cinnamon toast, wrestled in the leaves, and saw the movie Coco.  We were delighted to be with Sabba and Savta, and have all the aunts and uncles. Feeling grateful for this time together:)

Saturday, November 18, 2017

Annual Visit

Last weekend we enjoyed our annual visit with Zeyde--complete with all of the Zeyde weekend traditions--shopping, legos, Shabbat, and home improvement.  We have lots of leaves to rake in the yard (as usual), and are awaiting a new washer and dryer.  We were the Shabbat guest in AlteLu's class, and had both kids parent/teacher conferences.  We are grateful to know that both kids are in classes where they are loved, respected, and known.

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Sweet days:)

We've been adjusting to daylight savings time, and enjoying sweet moments here and there with our two sweet peas. Last weekend we went to the National Gallery of Art for a special play called, "Color's Garden," which is about Henri Matisse's cut-outs.  The kids loved the play, and it was one of those moments where you think to yourself, "it's ridiculous that I live in D.C." 
AlteLu started her ballet class, which she loves, and Hersh lost a front top tooth (finally!).  They are busy, kind, and just lovely.  I felt like mother of the year, when on the first cold days I had appropriately sized jackets, gloves, and shoes for both kiddos.  We've also been enjoying participating in Hersh's spelling homework, where he use "But Lite" as a rhyme.  AlteLu has come up with some good rhymes as well.  Hersh and I have been talking with AlteLu about how to deal with kids at school who aren't always very nice, with his advice being, "don't worry about them, it's their issue!"