Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Road Trip!

This past weekend we hopped in the car and headed to NJ, where we spent the weekend with my girlfriends from growing up and their families.  Hersh had a great time with all of the kids, and we had a great time with all the adults!  On Saturday morning we spent some time on the beach in Long Branch, where it was perfectly overcast.  The waves were incredibly strong, but we still had a good time jumping in them!
On Sunday we headed to our cousin Emery's 1st birthday party, where Hersh played with his cousin Ella.  We then spent the night in Long Island, with our friends, Danny and Sara, and their two sons Simon and Jonah.  Needless to say, the entire weekend was full of friends, family, fun, laughter, and love.
A few Hersh highlights:  he has started to ask, "are you kidding me?" and using the word "actually" before letting us know something.  Also, when singing "Row Row Row Your Boat," he finishes the song with the line, "Life's a butter dream."  Totally hilarious, and really cute!  Hersh is also getting excited to start school in a few weeks and knows that his teachers are Molly and Gail.  Finally, our bedtime routine has evolved into our singing the songs "Habitat" and "Shnuggaly, Buggaly" each evening, while Hersh and I lay on the bed covered in a "blankate."

The Jersey Shore:

All 8 kids!
Hersh and Ella:

The Abbas and their boys.

Snoozing on the way home.




"Abba" by Hersh

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