Wednesday, July 27, 2011

The Miss List

The following is a list of things that we either will or won't miss about living in Vienna.  The will's and the won'ts are intermixed, so you will have to use your deductive skills to understand each item.  Also, the list is in no particular order.

1-Laugenzopf from BackWerk
2-old Austrian ladies scolding me or telling me what to do
3-strangers on public transport who interact with and enjoy Hersh
4-t-shirts that say something in English that lead me to believe that the person wearing the shirt must not actually understand what the shirt says
5-the fact that everything is closed on Sunday
6-______ g'spritzt (fill in the blank with any sort of beverage)
8-Dr. Sattler-Ertl--"Yah, they do dat."
9-Stadtpark and the occasional baguette from Rudolf Olz
11-Tiergarten Schonbrunn
12-the U3, and trams 10 and 49
13-H&M, especially the kids sections
15-the beginning of "work week vegan"
16-the internet
17-Flughafen Wien
18-the voice of the announcer on public transport--"Dr. Kaarrl Rennnner Riing," "Ausstieg Links."
19-Merkur, DM, Penny Markt BioMarkt, asian market
20-our produce guy and our Iraqi goods guy at the MeislMarkt
21-fresh Felber Butterstreizl every Friday
22-the "gypsy" on the U3 who doesn't really seem to be a gypsy
23-elevator etiquette
24-schwimmen at the Hallenbad Hutteldorf
25-berries at Heitzing
26-the ergo cover
27-Hersh saying "bung, bung" every time he hears the bells chime



  1. these are cute. "yah, dey do dat" is perhaps my favorite. well, that and hersh saying "bung, bung"

  2. At the risk of being crude, Craig and I would like to add "the ledge inside your toilet."
