Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Cruising through the Fall

We've just been cruising through the Fall, keeping every moving with forward momentum, ensuring that the "upstairs folk" as I've taken to calling the children are happy, fed, and engaged in their lives.  Jacob and I each have a lot of our plates, and for lack of a better term, we are hustling!  But we are in it together, doing our best with whatever life presents us with. 

We've had lots of good time with friends, and Sender attended his first SS Thanksgiving Day Parade!  We're raking and raking and raking our yard.  And cooking and cooking and cooking with the season.  From Shabbat dinners, to Friendsgiving and tomorrow Thanksgiving in Philly, we are surrounded by love and community, which is not to be taken for granted.  We attended the Veteran's Day Performance at MGJDS, before which Jacob, Sender and I went on a lunch date to the Woodlands. The lovely Indian ladies were quite impressed with Sender's eating!   AlteLu can read now(!), and Hersh is truly a gentleman boy scholar. 

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