Saturday, January 20, 2018


Last week we had the good fortune of going on a family "babymoon" to sunny San Diego, courtesy  of the field of mathematics.  Jacob had a large conference to attend, and the kids and I enjoyed a few days of utopia---sun, beach, walking, talking, sunsets, TV, naps, the aquarium, reading, and just being together.   Jacob was with us when his schedule allowed, and he got to know lots of Lyft drivers.  Our best friends, the Werners, drove down from LA to spend the day and we were in our bliss bubble of friendship all together.  For me this time was bittersweet, as it was truly me last extended period of Hershel-AlteLu-Ima time, before the baby arrives.  The baby will bring a new wonderful chapter for us all, but I would be remiss if not to acknowledge the immense joy and gratitude these 4.5 years with my two little lovers has provided. 
After coming home, I made a quick trip to Brooklyn to visit the one and only Aunt Sandy.  Sadly, she is ill, and we wish for her days filled with love, family, and comfort.

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