Monday, December 19, 2016


Last night after dinner instead of our usual book reading on the couch (my favorite time of the day), Hersh suggested we play charades.  The game began with everyone pretending to be different animals. Jacob and Hersh both delighted with creative ideas like "Mad Scientist"or "Drawing."  I did most of mine from sitting on the couch---hibernating bear and popping bubblegum.  But the surprise champion of the game--AlteLu.  That girl brought passion, energy, and spunk to her turns.  She began each turn at the entry to the play nook.  She ran full force around the house, then would hop up and down, up and down, as the three of us guessed many different animals.  Then at some magical (unknown) moment, she would say, "Yes! I'm a kitty!", or "I'm an animal that jumps up into your arms like a dog.  I'm A DOG!!!"  Needless to say, the three of us were in stitches, and we look forward to the next round!

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