Thursday, January 2, 2014

Bringing in the New Year

We enjoyed the end of our trip to The Rock and celebrated Jacob's 33rd birthday.  We flew home on NYE and went out to a place we had never been to here in Silver Spring.  It was a lovely evening, just the four of us.  We then all went to bed early and slept very well.  It's always nice to sleep in your own bed after being away.  AlteLu has been sleeping in her crib (not in the bathroom) since we came home, and I must admit, it is nice to have our bathroom back.  There is snow falling, but we are hopeful that Hersh will have school tomorrow.  I am also preparing to return to work next week.  Time is moving so quickly!

One thing to note about AlteLu is how chatty she is--the girl is constantly chitchatting.  I wonder if it is a prelude into how talkative she will be later in life.  If she is anything life her Ima, she will be very chatty:)

A Hershism:  Tonight he and I were taking our vitamins and he said, "Ima, adult vitamins are such boring colors, not like kid vitamins, yours is beige."

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