Friday, September 20, 2013

14 years, 1 month, and a Booth

This week we celebrated mine and Jacob's 14 year anniversary of when we first became "an item."  I can't call it dating, because we were 19 years old, and didn't really date.  We just started being boyfriend/girlfriend, and the rest is sweet, sweet history. What an incredible 14 years it has been--we've gone from NYC to Seattle to Vienna to Silver Spring.  Traveled all over the world, had innumerable life experiences, have 2 children, and still really, really love each other.  To both create and share a life with your best friend is a gift that neither of us would trade in for anything.  We are so fortunate to be experiencing life with the love, support, and companionship that is our relationship.

  We also celebrated Alte Luna's 1 month birthday.  She is a delicious 11lb (90%), 23in  (99%) bundle of baby love.  The doctor said that Alte is developing perfectly.  She is just starting to smile a bit, and just today we took her for our first trip to the zoo.  Hersh loves his little sister and definitely seems glad that she is a part of the mishpacha.

Finally, we are currently celebrating Sukkot.  Jacob and Hersh built an awesome Sukkah that we have been enjoying many meals in, and have been welcoming guests.  Hersh made some impressive decorations, including a "name sign" in which he wrote each of our names.  His interest in writing, drawing, and spelling seems to be developing quite quickly and it is exciting to support him as he gains confidence and competency.


 Sukkah Time:

Snoozin' in  the sukkah

Sukkah decorations in process
Waiting to see Dr. Erica Rupar

1 comment:

  1. Hi We are looking for a pediatrician as ours just retired....when i goggled Dr. Rupar your blog came you recommend the practice? thanks
