Monday, October 22, 2012

Pumpkin Time!

This past weekend we made our annual trip to the pumpkin patch.  We visited the same farm as last year--Sharpe's at Waterford Farm, and it was perfect.  Just a simple, sweet, pumpkin farm.  We fed the animals, took a tractor ride out to the patch, and checked out lots of pumpkins.  After the farm we headed to a nearby park and had a wonderful picnic.  We were in the company of our good friends the Ambalu and Gratz families, which made the whole day that much more enjoyable.

On our drive out to the farm we drove through lots of "tree tunnels" as Hersh likes to call them.  The leaves are changing, and the scenery all around us is truly picturesque.  Hersh is quick to notice the different colors, and often reminds us the leaves are changing because it is fall.  He has let us know that in the winter he wants to go ice skating.  Also, he has a book called "Snow Day Dance" which has him looking forward to come snow, which I can do without!

Hersh has also been very into the book, "Five Nice Mice."  This book is about a group of mice that stumble upon a Frog Concert, and feel inspired to start their own band.  "Over the Moon" is the song the frogs sing, and Hersh has taken to singing this song as well.  When he sings it is with passion and delight:

"Gleaming beams of silver carry our tune,
Farther and farther up over the moon.

The melody was lovely, a voice behind them boomed.  Can't you read the sign? FROGS ONLY!  So they left."

Feeding the baby goat.

Taking in the scenery.

Hersh and Simon discussing the pumpkins.

Farm foliage.

Hersh with Danny and Jonah.

Family in the patch.

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