Thursday, January 19, 2012

No matter the season, I love the beach.

This past weekend we took our first (of hopefully many) trips to the MD shore.  It was sunny, beautiful, a little chilly, but so incredibly wonderful to be near the ocean.  For me, it really doesn't matter what time of year it is, I just love being at the beach.  Walking along the sand, finding shells, hearing the ocean.  The beach is my perfect place. 

Fortunately, Jacob and Hersh really like it there too.  Hersh loved the waves and the sand, the puddles caused by the tide, the shells and crabs, and running on the open, empty beach.  We went with Lowell, Nina, and Lewes, and took the boys for their first official game of mini-golf.  Hersh seemed to enjoy the experience and Lewes snoozed through the game, so overall, mini-golf was a success! 

Not too much else is happening.  We have all been battling a typical winter cold, which is truly no fun!  Poor Hershel Bershel Bear keeps asking for his nose to be wiped and he has an upset tummy--poor guy.  Hopefully everyone is on the mend and we can have some adventures this weekend!

Just some fun at home:

Getting ready to go "swimming" with the animals and find all of the gems.

Saying, "Od Mayim"

Taking in the snow.

Ready to go inside and warm up.
Gotta wear shades on the beach.


I have a really great brother.

And a wonderful family.

So sunny!

12 years of love!

Running into waves!
1st game of skeeball!

With his putter.

Helping get the balls in the hole.

Snoozing like a champ!

1 comment:

  1. my coworker jess (yes, i make my office look at the blog) pointed out that hersh looks an awful lot like john goodman in the 3rd picture
