Yesterday morning we woke up and Hersh's left front upper tooth had broken through the surface of his gums overnight! We were quite surprised; he slept wonderfully, did not have a fever (like he had with the previous two teeth), and hadn't given us any indication that he was in pain. Needless to say, this is pretty exciting!
We've had a pleasant week, filled with walks, cooking, and even a day trip to Bratislava. Hersh has been enjoying eating frittatas, and Jacob has been eating blood oranges, which drip juice all over the apartment--an indication that they are really good!
On Sunday we took the train to Bratislava, where we met up with our friends Joey and Jenn. They are living there, and were kind enough to take us to an authentic Slovakian lunch and show us around the "old town." We then walked along the Danube and through a brand new shopping mall. Bratislava is an interesting place. It is small, has some character, and has a lot of old, but charming buildings, right next to very large, modern, new buildings.
Hersh is pulling up and cruising along just about anything and everything that he can get his hands on. He has also started thinking that things are just hilarious and scrunches up his face as he smiles and laughs--it's delicious! He also babbles a lot, and will sometimes imitate words that we say--for example, this morning he and I went back and forth with the word "lion" because he was playing with a lion stuffed animal.
Hersh and I are also enjoying babyschwimmen more and more each week, and I have pledged to try and learn one of the songs (all of which are in German) per week. Right now I am working on "Es Regnet" or "It's Rainig," which is the song we sing when the babies go under the watering can in the pool. Jacob has very graciously downloaded the song from YouTube . Here are the words: "Es regnet, es regnet, es regnet seinen Lauf, und wenn's genug geregnet hat so hört es wieder auf." If you learn the song, we can Skype and you can sing it to Hersh, he'd love it!
It's hilarious! |
Standing and Cruisin'! |
Organic Blood Oranges. |
On the train to Bratislava:
Fried Cheese--traditional Slovakian dish. |
Halushki-traditional Slovakian dish. |