Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Snow and Hanukah....

....that about sums up our week.  This past week it snowed, a lot.  It pretty much snowed from last Sunday through Friday and then the temperature dropped and it became freezing.  I'm not talking about cold, I'm talking freezing--like in the single digits.  Rumor has it that it can get below zero here.  Needless to say, we'd be totally fine if we don't get to experience those temperatures.

Besides the snow we have also been celebrating Hersh's first Hanukah.  He loves lighting the candles and "sings" along with the blessings.  He gets so excited when we dim the lights and light the candles, it is really special.  As a Hanukah gift, Jacob got us tickets to the Frida Kahlo exhibit.  The exhibit is on extension  because it has been so popular, and it was amazing.  Her life and works are so complicated.  The gallery was crowded, but we really enjoyed it nonetheless.

On Sunday we made latkes and matzoh ball soup and celebrated Hanukah with some friends. It was fun to cook familiar foods and we couldn't help reflect how good it felt to celebrate Hanukah in a country that after World War II, probably didn't think Jews would be celebrating anymore.

having just come in from the snow.

Hersh with Frida Kahlo.

Happy Hanukah!

"nach Oma's Rezept"..."Just like Grandma's recipe"

We just can't get enough of the bear cub hat!


  1. is that granma's recipe for....popcorn? i'm so sorry about the snow. it finally got cold here and i remembered how miserable winter can be. especially with a walking commute. but that's why we have ipod's with bob marley on them. OH speaking of, you should watch this (disregarding everything the dumb people say):

  2. I do love me some Hershey bear cub. So, so cute. I'm glad you guys have had a good Hanukkah. Can't wait for your next adventure!

  3. Love that cute hat!! So adorable...your boy is!!

    Happy Hanukkah!

  4. Allow me to third the adorableness of that hat. Plus the blackmail potential of those photos once he turns 14 is going to be priceless. :)

  5. i am so jealous...on so many levels i must number:
    1. your latkes look so much better than mine.
    2. hersh has already experienced snow...frances may very well be three before that happens!
    3. i need that hat...and that baby for that matter! ;)
    4. frida. enough said.
    can't wait to see all of you very soon...
