Tuesday, May 27, 2014

"Morioles" Day Weekend/1st Swim

This past weekend we celebrated "Morioles" Day, as Hersh began to call it, morphing the words "memorial" and "Orioles" after a visit with our friends Ricky and Sarah, who are huge Orioles fans.  Aunt Mimi came down for a visit, and we took AlteLu for her first swim!  Overall, I would say she tolerated the pool, with a slight bit of enjoyment.  Girlfriend better get used to it, as the pool is a BIG part of our summer plan.  We also had a bbq, saw the Aplebaums for a pancake breakfast, and visited a local winery!  A very festive weekend indeed.

At one point Hersh told me and Mimi, "I need to tell Abba a very complicated idea that I have."  When setting up for the BBQ he insisted on setting up the "Art Studio" as he believes it is  key to a good party (wonder where he got that from?!)  Hersh also ate a ton a watermelon, and proceeded to tell us that the winery lost almost all of their grapes because they had a very long winter:)

AlteLu is so communicative.  She is signing up a storm, and makes her wants/needs/likes/desires very clear.  She is playful and just the cutest.  She scoots around on her tushy,throws her hands up in the air, and  claps and waves like a mad woman.  She learned to drink from straw.  Alte also really enjoyed sitting on Aunt Mimi's knees and just chit-chatting.

Building our new grill!

Hersh and Julia

2 lovely ladies

 First swim:

Is this what he will look like in college?


Brother and Sister:)

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