Monday, September 10, 2012

Definitely a 2 year old

If there was ever any doubt that we are currently living with a 2 year old, things currently happen on a daily basis that remind us of how very awesome and how very 2 Hersh is.

Yesterday morning Hersh said to me, "I know what a fire truck has on it."  We then proceeded to make a list  (I was the scribe and Hersh the reporter)--sirens, red/yellow, ladder, lights, hose, bombero.  Jacob and Hersh then put on firemen hats and drew a very detailed picture using the list as a guide.

The other morning on the way to school, Hersh and I were discussing all of the different buses that we pass on our morning drives--mostly he points out all of the city buses verses the school buses.  Upon seeing a school bus he said, "Imma, I'll go on the school bus one day."  I replied, "You sure will."  He then said, "You'll come with me?"  After a moment of thought, I replied, "Yes, Hershel I definitely will."  Now, I know he is only 2, but the idea of sending on a school bus to a big, giant school is slightly nauseating for me.  So, if and when he actually gets on a school bus, I will most definitely be accompanying him.

Hersh has also started to tell us about his dreams.  He told Jacob that there was a man in a hat and two pirates in his room last night!  Sounds a bit creepy to me, but definitely exciting for him!  Hersh has also been playing his guitar and putting on concerts for us.  We also think he must be going through a growth spurt because he has been eating a lot more than usual!  Oh, HBB, we love you!


  1. i love hearing and watching him grow up :)

  2. When he puts on his concerts, he announces himself as "The Upside-Down Band." Not a bad band name.
